And so the tradition continues

We are a family business of more than three generations that was born from the enthusiasm for the farm by three siblings Pedro, Margarita and Francisca Cirer Bordoy. This passion for agriculture began when we were children, we grew up between furrows and hoes with the guidance of parents and grandparents, who were dedicated to the Mallorcan farmland. They instilled in us the wonders of the land and the secret of success.

Such as:
        • Transmit the taste of our land in every crop
        • Believe in a job well done
        • Know that every day we cultivate our future!
        • Appreciate the satisfaction of harvesting the crops, where so much care has been taken in sowing and reaping.

This experience and passion is transmitted in each of the products  we cultivate impregnated with flavour and tradition. The great “gust d’abans”

The land for the farmer
is his soul

In S’Hortolà our biggest concern is to offer the same authentic taste as before

We have the perfect tools to achieve this, since we combine the knowledge acquired from past generations with the most innovative techniques, preserving nature and the environment.

We work with the integrated agricultural technique, which makes maximum use of natural resources and regulatory mechanisms, ensuring a viable and sustainable agriculture in the long term.
It uses biological methods, processes and other control techniques that ensure a balance between the environment, profitability, and social requirements.

Our aim is to obtain the best quality product, as well as to promote and support Mallorcan agriculture, the economy and local produce

Farmers always

More than three generations working the land with a common objective, offering families the best products from the land without intermediaries.
We are professional farmers since 1923.

Our products

Each and every one of our crops is looked after with great care, taking care of each plant as if it were a child.
The taste of our land..

The land does not sleep

We collect our products a day before they are put up for sale, we guarantee their freshness and properties.
Every day 365 days a year.

A bit of history

Year 1935Our grandfather Pere Pou.
First steps.

Our grandfather Pere Cirer Pou took the initiative to begin his journey, together with his wife, to continue with the work of the land in an unconventional way for the times they lived.

In the 1930s, the feudal system was in place, in which the vast majority of peasants worked the land as sharecroppers

However, our grandfather decided to rent the land and freely dispose of its fruits. Land on which he quickly built a windmill and a well to irrigate crops.

Year 1951Mercat de l'Olivar opens.
Direct sales and innovation.

Our grandparents, together with our father and family, for decades cultivated and collected potatoes and vegetables to sell them directly to wholesalers and to the final consumer, in the food market of Palma.

In 1951 a brand new and majestic market was inaugurated, the so-called and still current Mercat de l’Olivar.

Where wholesalers and retailers of all categories sell on the stalls.

There our family continued their business with the same company philosophy, take care of the product and take care of the customer.

In the 60s they acquired a small truck and throughout the 70s a tractor which facilitated their work allowing them to innovate and grow.

Year 1965 - 1980Our father takes over
Our parents

Years of many changes as a new generation was formed. Pedro Cirer, our father, formed a family and took over the family business.

They continued in their role as farm labourers with some cattle on a rental basis. They maintained the production of potatoes and some vegetables, but since the cattle required a lot of time and dedication they were some years apart from selling directly.

Year 1980 - 1992Already as teenagers we were working the land.
We are already part

In this decade we, as teenagers, were already involved in all the agricultural tasks.

We began the construction of greenhouses where we could grow delicious tomatoes.

My father resumed selling directly to the retailers and wholesalers in the new facilities assigned in Mercapalma still known currently as the Producers Place.

Year 1992 - 2007We lose identity
Life lessons

Our father along with our support decided to start on an innovative project.

We joined as producers in a large company, which oversaw making, distributing and selling our products with other colleagues from our profession.

With great effort we adapted our infrastructures and techniques, we worked very hard for 15 years, However, in the end it did not come to fruition.

In this project we lost our identity and our philosophy, something we were not comfortable with.

Experience, memories, and lessons learned is our patrimony!

Year 2008 - 2015Pedro, Marga and Xisca Cirer, grandchildren .

After the last failed project, we took over the third generation.

Pedro Cirer Bordoy head of production in the farm, Marga and Xisca, unconditional support in any area. In our market stalls, they are the most visible face in direct sales and customer relations.

We establish our own identity, a logo and a name that characterizes us. With it, we identify Km0 products,  products with genuine flavour and tradition.

In 2008 "S'Hortolà" was set up. The name was chosen by Pedro, who was feeling very identified as a gardener of the Pla de Sant Jordi.

We design our logo in a very personalized way, in which we combine the mill built by our grandparents and the sun of Mallorca

Year 2015 -2021
Taste and tradition

We consider that a farmer should have a presence in local markets, since it has always been the place where farmers sold their crops.

For this reason, we opened our own stalls for sale in 2006 at the Mercat de l'Olivar and in 2010 at Mercat de Santa Catalina in Palma.

There we focus on product quality, customer service and try to convey our values of respect for nature, unconditional support to small business, and local product.

In 2019 we updated  our logo, without losing the essence of the mill on the sun of Pla de Sant Jordi. We adopted a slogan very representative of our values, Cultivam el gust d'abans

Year 2021 - ...We open a new online shop.
Jump to the online world

2020 was a precedent in our lives because of the circumstances we lived in.

As an exceptional measure and to be able to provide a service to customers who weren´t able to attend our stands, we improvised a home service for all our products a la carte.

Once the restrictions were lifted we removed this service because it was too big an effort to provide this service with all the guarantees of quality that the customer demanded.

 We had a great reception and many requests to continue with the service, we promised that we would start again but this time in a more orderly and professional way.

We began this new project  S’Hortolà Online Shop with much enthusiasm, hope and desire to continue to give the best to  families